Title: Saving Alpha
Author: Bill Myers
Publisher: Amaris Media International
Genre(s): Science Fiction, Christian, Fiction, Spiritual
Print Length: 334 Pages
Release Date: September 23, 2019
This book touched on many things I love like computers, technology, philosophy and a parent’s love for their children.
A group of scientists created a computer-generated world meant to mimic our own similar to a Massively Multiplayer Online Game like World of Warcraft or Second Life; but there are no human players. Everyone in the game is a computer-controlled player. They are NPCs in gaming parlance. The scientists are observers only.
Their goal is for the computer-generated people to behave like humans. Once they have that, they can run simulations to see what product advertisements work best, or what TV shows would get the best ratings, or even what campaigns a presidential candidate would need to run to ensure victory.
This great plan has one significant flaw. The people of the simulated world continually destroy themselves. The project is about to be shut down when the scientists turn to a cranky, atheistic philosophy professor. He’s tasked with the introduction of a philosophy to create a sustainable world. Meanwhile, rival groups try to steal the project for their own nefarious purposes.
The writing is top notch from page one. Myers builds the characters well, both electronic and flesh and blood. He immerses you into the world. Despite my initial reservations about an aesthetic main character, I found him authentic and enjoyed his journey.
“I hope this story provokes you as much as it provoked me to write it.”
Bill Myers, Saving Alpha
Saving Alpha is well-paced. There’s a great blend of mystery and suspense combined with philosophy and apologetics. The ending was fantastic and surprised me on several levels.
If you like a page-turning adventure that reveals what the main character learns to call “a deeper logic,” check out Saving Alpha.