Angelo’s Lesson

Angelo’s Lesson

eBook: $0.99

When Angelo’s god commands him to take a message of hope to a rival nation, Angelo finds the fastest ship going in the opposite direction. But a tempest wrecks the ship and leaves Angelo stranded on a deserted island with the rival nation’s forces bearing down on him. Winning back the help of his patron, the god of the sea, and accomplishing his mission is his only option to survive, but it would take a miracle.

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The Key to Reality

The Key to Reality

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An Elite Cybersecurity Analyst.  A Desperate Rebellion’s Best Hope.

Brandon thought the assignment was just another standard security assessment. Wrong. As he peels back the layers of a deepening conspiracy, he discovers everything he thought he knew about his reality is a lie.

And he’s the only one who can save it.

Exiles from another reality see Brandon’s new knowledge as the key to victory over their tyrannical king and his immortal army. Pursued by both loyalists and rebels as he crosses the borders between realities, Brandon must protect his family, while figuring out who to trust.

Choosing well means rescuing his family, and saving both worlds, but choosing poorly will empower a malevolent evil to wipe out humanity.

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