Switch between computers with your Scrivener project

I own a laptop and a desktop. I will use either to write depending on a variety of factors.

You will need Dropbox set up on your computer. I cover this in detail as part of my guide on backing up your work. Inside my Dropbox, I made a folder for my current Work in Progress, code name Crucible.

I don’t title my works until I’m done, and even then, if I ever get a publisher, they will want to have input on the final name.

Scrivener doesn’t always play nice with Dropbox. I’ve lost work before when I had the Scrivener project in the Dropbox folder. I keep my projects in my main Documents folder.

Let’s say you’re writing on your desktop, but your kid wants to do some homework so you need to switch to the laptop. The first step to moving your project to the laptop is to make a backup of your current work. In Scrivener, go to File, then Back Up, and then Back Up To…

This will bring up the Back Up window.

Click on Browse…

This will bring up the Location window.

Click on Dropbox. If you don’t see Dropbox, you don’t have the app installed. After you click Dropbox, click on the folder for your project.

Then click “Select Folder”.

Your project folder should now show up in the Location window for Scrivener.

Scrivener will automatically select a name based upon the current time and date. You do want to keep the check mark next to “Backup as ZIP file”. ZIP files are smaller files and faster to switch.

Now your project is backed up. Close Scrivener, and head over the laptop. You should have the Dropbox app installed on the laptop as well. On the laptop, go to the Dropbox folder.

Open the Dropbox folder, and you’ll see the backup file you created on your desktop.

Double click on the backup file. It will show you the Scrivener folder.

Drag and drop the Scrivener folder to the Documents folder.

If this isn’t the first time you’ve moved between computers, an older version of your project might be in the Documents folder. Windows will prompt you to overwrite it.

Click on “Replace the files in the destination.”

Now your folder is ready for use. Open Documents, and you’ll see the Scrivener folder.

Open the Scrivener folder, and you’ll see your project.

Open the project and work your creative magic. Once you’re done repeat the backup steps again.